Anaerobic Treatment
E2E-UASB Anaerobic Reactor
Anaerobic Upflow Sludge Blanket Technology

- The UASB Reactor is a traditional Up-flow Sludge Blanket Reactor designed for the anaerobic treatment of both municipal and industrial wastewater
- Due to the low up-flow velocity and its unique settler design the VPES-UASB settler module is very compact and can handle wastewaters in a broad concentration range
- Adjustable hydrodynamics enables the system to retain biomass with different characteristics
- The system contains a robust, easily maintainable distribution system
- The three-phase modular settler system consists of differentiated gas/water and sludge/water separation compartments, which allows a very effective separation of effluent, biomass and biogas
- The biogas is collected in the headspace of the reactor and from there transported to the gas system
- The up-flow velocity in the main body of the reactor is relatively low and can be controlled through external circulation over the settler system
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